Dereham Community Crafters

Dereham Community Crafters are a supportive, informal and inclusive craft group. We share our skills and enjoy one another’s company whilst using those crafting skills for many different projects locally.

We make craft items for various groups and events in and around the town. But our main aim is to provide a friendly, inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and that they can contribute in some way to the wellbeing of the town.

We are based at  Dereham Library where we meet every Wednesday between 1.00pm and 3.00pm and also meet on Friday mornings at Dereham Aid Centre between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

If you are interested in joining us just drop into one of our meetings or email for more information.

We are a very informal group of all ages who enjoy working on all sorts of projects.

Dereham Library, High St, Dereham NR19 1DZ, UK